Relieve Stress Quickly At Home: Learn My 8 Little Known Tricks

In this post, I will teach you my eight little-known tricks to relieve stress quickly at home.
Many people are interested in learning how to relieve stress quickly at home. Stress is a source of constant global concern. It’s estimated that 75% of the population experiences stress, and when you look at the numbers on specific causes of stress and how it impacts our health, the issue becomes even more personal.
Addressing stress must be an important part of your daily life when you feel overwhelmed—and for good reason. Stress can be bad for your mind and body, and it can also lead to serious health problems like heart disease, depression, and anxiety disorders if you have too much of it.
For example, people who have stressful jobs or lifestyles must always be concerned with finding ways to reduce their stress levels. That’s why there are so many different relaxation and breathing techniques out there that help you relax. Some of them are even simple enough for anyone to use, including those who are in a situation where they can’t take a break from whatever they’re doing or a place where the noise level is too high for meditation music to be effective.
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Table of Contents
Why Too Much Stress Is Bad For Your Health
When you feel stressed out, your body releases a biochemical called cortisol. Cortisol is a normal hormone that helps you deal with stress. It does this by raising your blood sugar, which keeps you alert in emergencies and gets you ready to fight or run away from danger.
However, too much cortisol can have negative effects on your body and affect your health. Cortisol production goes up when stress lasts for a long time, and being exposed to high levels of cortisol can hurt your physical and mental health in many ways.
For people with chronic stress, their high cortisol levels have been linked to a wide range of health problems, including coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension (which affects millions), osteoporosis, and effort, and they can be measured almost anywhere.
Popular Methods To Quickly Release Your Stress At Home
Stress doesn’t just happen to you. You often cause it with your mindset and overthinking, too. The only way to prevent it is to change your attitude, mental habits, and stress response. Self-help Gurus and people who practise alternative medicine often suggest a number of ways to deal with stress.
Even doctors advise using many of these techniques to calm your mind and reduce stress in order to lessen the pain of stress-related conditions like migraines and cluster headaches. Popular techniques for reducing stress include (but are not limited to):
Meditation: Meditation has long been used as a way to improve mental health and well-being. Meditating involves focusing your attention on something specific—such as your breath or an object—while letting go of all other thoughts. Meditation may sound easy, but it takes practice and concentration to learn and get the most out of it. When done correctly, meditation can be very powerful in reducing the body’s stress response.
Meditation has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in people with chronic stress conditions like anxiety and depression. Studies have also shown that regular meditation may be good for your blood pressure and heart rate variability, which is a measure of how healthy your heart is. Based on these effects, it seems likely that meditation could help lower some risk factors for heart disease, which is another illness linked to long-term stress. Meditation helps calm your mind and relax your body. There are many different ways to meditate, so find one that works best for you. You can try focusing on your breath, listening to calming music, or repeating a mantra or affirmation.
Exercise: Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress quickly. It helps to release endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Exercise also helps to clear your mind and give you a break from whatever is causing your stress.
Do something that makes you happy. Doing something that makes you happy is a great way to reduce stress quickly and improve your mental well-being. This could be anything from reading a book, playing with a pet, taking a bath, listening to music, or watching your favourite movie. Find something that brings you joy, and do it often!
Self-hypnosis: When you are feeling stressed, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, allowing your stomach to expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth. As you exhale, envision all of the stress and tension leaving your body. Repeat this process several times until you feel relaxed.
Imagine being in a peaceful place. It can be anywhere where you feel happy and safe. Visualise all of the details of this place in your mind. Listen to the sounds around you and feel the warmth or coolness of the air on your skin. Stay in this peaceful place for as long as you like, taking in all of the details around you. When you are ready, open your eyes and begin your day refreshed and relaxed.
Yoga: There are many different types of yoga, and it is said that there is a type for everyone. Each type has its own set of benefits, but in general, the purpose of all yoga is to promote peace and well-being. When choosing a type of yoga to try to release stress, seek one that promotes relaxation. For example, restorative yoga focuses on gentle movements and poses that allow you to relax completely. This can be a good choice if other forms of exercise make you feel anxious or stressed out.
Yoga requires deep breathing, which helps calm the nervous system and can reduce anxiety. A recent study showed that people who practiced yoga for three months had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who didn’t practice it at all. This suggests that regular practice can have a long-lasting effect on the stress response and may help reduce anxiety over time.
Getting out in nature: Nature has been shown to have calming effects on the mind and body and make you feel more grounded. Spend time outside in your backyard, a park, or somewhere else where you can be in the middle of nature. Take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, and soak up the beauty around you. Find a relaxing hobby, such as gardening, jogging, or walking.
Spend time with loved ones: Spending time with loved ones is a great way to reduce stress. They can provide support and understanding, and they can help take your mind off whatever is causing your stress. Spend time talking, laughing, and doing activities that you enjoy together.
8 Little Known Tricks To Relieve Stress Quickly At Home
In addition to the above-mentioned ways to relieve stress quickly at home, I want to show you some little-known tricks that can help you relax almost immediately. You can do these at home or any place where you need them. Of course, it is not a panacea, but every little bit helps.
You can use these tricks to relieve stress quickly at home in five minutes or less.
#1 Pressing Specific Acupressure Points On Your Body
There are specific acupressure points on your body that you can press with your fingers to calm your body down in a couple of seconds. Pressing these points will rejuvenate your brain chemistry and give you a calmer state of mind. Also, it will stimulate hormones like dopamine (your feel-good hormone, serotonin) and those endorphins that will give your body that instant relaxation and good feeling and improve your mood. Let me show you my favourite one, which is a great stress reliever.
First, place three finger lengths below the crease of your wrist area. Take these three fingers and put them in line right with that crease right on the bottom of that last finger, right in the centre of these two tendons that are known as the pericardium six. You can stimulate this spot with your second finger or your thumb because it’s bigger. Move it around in little circular motions, and do this for 30 to 60 seconds. Start with your left hand first, because that is on the side where the heart is located. This point will instantly start to slow your heart.

#2: Glass and Stress Technique
Dr Alan Mandell (Motivational Doc on YouTube) is one of my favourite go-to people for stress and anxiety release techniques. Search for his glass and stress technique.
#3: Breathing With Five Fingers
Try this easy, handy five-finger breathing practice for quick stress release (before public speaking, I use this). Spread out your fingers and hold one hand in front of you. With your other hand’s index finger, trace the outside of your hand and fingers slowly, breathing in when you go up a finger and out when you go down. Breathe in through your mouth as you move your finger up, and breathe out as you move it down. When you get to the top, you pause before going down again. You might have to do this twice until it works for your situation.
#4 Quick Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping
See my free tapping script for anxiety, which you can also use to relieve your stress. You can send signals to the area of the brain that regulates stress by tapping to access your body’s energy. Because EFT tapping stimulates the meridian points, you can reduce tension or other bad feelings caused by your problem. This brings your energy back into balance.
#5 Cool Down
Cold water may also reduce cortisol, a hormone that causes stress. Plunge your face into a bowl of ice water for 15 to 30 seconds. You will feel calmer afterwards. You will also have more energy and clarity, and you will be able to better cope with a stressful situation. In times of stress, if you have access to a beach, a safe lake, or a swimming pool, you will feel much calmer after that swim.
#6 Use Energy Medicine
Energy medicine (EM) is a form of medicine that is not based on biochemistry but on physics. Energy medicine uses chi or prana, which are subtle forms of energy that are in and around the human body. I am a huge fan of Donna Eden, an energy medicine author, speaker, and teacher. In order to regain their health and natural healing abilities, she has been teaching people how to interact with the body’s energy systems. I am particularly fond of her daily morning technique to reduce anxiety and stress.
Donna’s The Hook-Up is a fantastic approach to getting yourself back together when you’re feeling disorganised, overburdened, or anxious. The middle finger of both hands should be used, and one should be inserted into your belly button and the other into the space directly between your eyes on your forehead. That chakra is the third eye. At both points on your body, softly squeeze in and pull up. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply. You will feel calmer and ready to take on the day and any challenges.
#7 Box Breathing
When you feel stressed, you can use another breathing technique to help you feel better. Box breathing is a simple way to relax that can help you reset your breath and get it back to its normal rhythm. It can be done anywhere and at any time. Box breathing can help you feel less stressed and better about yourself. It can also help you control and deal with your feelings. It’s easy to pick up.
Think about taking a breath around a box. Inhale while picturing yourself going up one side of the box. This will slowly fill your lungs with air. When you get to the top, hold your breath for one to five seconds and imagine going across the top of the box.
Imagine going down the other side of the box as you slowly let out your breath. As you move along the bottom of the box, stop again for one to five seconds. Then keep going.
Focusing on the breath, this can be done seven to ten times in a row. It will be easier if you can do it sitting down with your feet on the ground, but you can do it anywhere. Both your body and mind will benefit from box breathing.
From a physiological point of view, it controls the way you breathe, brings more oxygen to your lungs, and can help lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Box breathing can help your mind by making you focus on your breath and taking your mind off of the things that are making you feel stressed or anxious. Repeatedly doing box breathing can also help reduce stress.
So, when stress and anxiety are making you feel like you can’t breathe, remember box breathing and the power of your breath as a simple way to calm down and breathe easier.
#8 Using Aromatherapy
You can also use some form of aromatherapy in your home. Aromatherapy has a calming effect on the mind and body and can be used to relieve stress quickly. All you need to do is bring some essential oils into your home, such as lavender or chamomile, and burn them in an oil burner. The smell will spread throughout the house, relaxing everyone who breathes it in. You can also use aromatherapy in the shower as a shower steamer.
There are many other ways that can help relieve stress quickly at home, but these are ones that I have used with great success. Do any of them often for quick stress relief. Spend a few minutes a day on your health and general well-being. In general, it’s good to find stress relief techniques that are versatile enough to work in many different situations and that can be used with or without music, depending on what works best for you at the time.
Also, read my answer on Quora about my cool trick to calm down. Click here.
Frequently Asked Questions About Release Stress At Home
What are some office stress relief quotes?
Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today. Will Rogers
Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there.’ Eckhart Tolle
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm. Unknown
Take a deep breath, it’s just a bad day, not a bad life. Unknown
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. William James
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Albert Einstein
The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. Sydney J. Harris
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere. Glenn Turner
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. A.A. Milne (from Winnie the Pooh)
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. Anonymous
Every day may not be good, but there’s something good about every day. Alice Morse Earle
Stress less, smile more. Don’t regret; just learn and grow. Unknown
You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. Unknown
When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm is all about. Haruki Murakami
Feel free to use these quotes as you see fit to inspire calm and positivity at the office or any other setting.
Why are females more stressed than males?
In general, it’s not true that women are more stressed than men. Each person’s experience with stress is unique and complicated, and it can vary greatly depending on their biology, genetics, environment, and social and cultural factors.
How To Manage Stress As A Woman?
As a woman, you can deal with stress by and putting yourself first. Self-care should be an important part of your daily life so that you can do things that make your mind and body feel better. Taking care of yourself by doing things like reading a good book, resting, taking a bath, or doing yoga can be very helpful for lowering stress.
Keeping up a healthy lifestyle is important for dealing with stress well. One way to do this is to eat a balanced meal full of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Not only does regular exercise help lower stress hormones and improve happiness, but it can also help reduce stress in other ways. Do not forget how important good sleep is; making sure you get enough rest is a must for dealing with worry.
Another important issue is being able to manage your time well. Plan your day so that you have time for breaks and relaxation. Don’t take on too many tasks or responsibilities at once; this can cause long-term stress. It is important to set limits, and it’s fine to say “no” when you need to. Make sure your family, friends, and coworkers know what your limits are so you don’t take on too much.
Mindfulness and relaxing exercises can help you deal with stress in a healthy way. Deep breathing and meditation can help you stay cool and centred when things get tough. You might want to get help from a therapist or counsellor who can give you advice and methods that are specifically designed for your needs. Remember that dealing with stress is a personal journey, and it may take some time and trial and error to find the right mix of techniques that work for you. Putting your health first and taking steps to keep a good work-life balance are both very important.
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