The Top Types Of Limiting Beliefs That Stand In Your Way

In this post, I discuss the top types of limiting beliefs that stand in your way. A limiting belief is a self-limiting or self-defeating idea that you may have subconsciously accepted as true. Limiting beliefs can stop you from living the life you want and achieving your goals, and they’re not just something that “you” need to work on—they affect everyone around you.
In other words, a limiting belief is something you believe about yourself, your abilities, and the world around you that affects your mindset.
Table of Contents
Disadvantages Of Having Limiting Beliefs
Having limiting beliefs is an oversimplified view of reality that can cause you many problems. Some of these problems are:
1) It creates problems for you because it makes it harder to achieve what you really want out of life;
2) It creates problems for others because it can negatively influence your behaviour;
3) It can cause positive and negative behaviour because it determines how you see the world.
The most common things people tell themselves are:
- I can’t do it
- I don’t have enough money
- I’m not good enough (talented, pretty, etc.)
- It’s too hard
- It won’t work out
- I’m not good enough
- I don’t deserve to be happy
- The world is a dangerous place
- Other people are better than me
So many limiting beliefs keep you from becoming your best self. Limiting beliefs can manifest in all sorts of ways.
The Top Types Of Limiting Beliefs That Stand In Your Way
The top types of limiting beliefs that stand in your way are:
#Limiting Belief: Happiness
Yes, not allowing yourself to be happy is also a limiting belief. Examples of a limiting belief in happiness are self-talk such as “I don’t deserve to be happy.” This can mean that you don’t deserve to have a good life, to feel positive emotions, to have success, or to have the things that are most important to you. Also, you might believe that you don’t deserve a lovely house, a comfortable life, great friends, or even someone who loves you. “I don’t deserve happiness” can even mean “I don’t deserve to be loved.”
When you’re telling yourself these things and believing them, you’re not paying attention to opportunities for happiness and fulfilment right in front of your eyes—something like a new career opportunity or a chance at friendship with someone like-minded.
#Limiting Belief: Love and Relationships
Limiting beliefs about love seem to be the most dominant factor in relationships, especially when people are feeling a lack of love in their lives. Limiting beliefs can come in many forms and can cause problems in every relationship stage. When you’re falling in love, you might feel like something wrong with you hasn’t worked out yet. When you’re in a relationship and feeling stressed, your thoughts may be focused on how it’s not supposed to be this hard. Limiting beliefs about love can also affect things after a breakup when you may think that it’s impossible for anyone else to love you or that you’ll never find another person who loves you as much as the person who just left.
To stop this cycle of unhealthy thinking and feeling, it is essential to identify some of these limiting beliefs and then work on letting them go. The first step is determining what your limiting beliefs are, which can help you see where they are coming from and begin to break them down. You can do this by asking yourself questions like:
- Do I believe that there is something wrong with me?
- Do I believe love means being perfect or feeling a certain way?
- Do I believe that I deserve to be loved?
It is important to be aware of your limiting beliefs about love—especially when you’re about to commit to a relationship. Admitting when you may have a bias against a certain kind of person or relationship can help you put your feelings on the table and bring out the best in yourself and your partner. For example, are you still accepting the idea that love should come easy? If so, you might want to work through any limiting belief that might keep you from appreciating hard work as much as passion. Are you afraid of having too many expectations placed on you by a partner? If so, it could be helpful to examine if this fear comes from your own past experiences—or if it might be better to open yourself up to those very expectations and find out how it feels to have them fulfilled.
#Limiting Belief: Health
Limiting beliefs about health are beliefs about your body and our sense of self that prevent you from doing the right thing what you know is good for your well-being.
Limiting beliefs about health are all about core beliefs. You do certain things that make your life easier, but at the same time, you create the belief that this is how it always has to be.
For example, maybe you’ll find yourself constantly feeling tired or sick because deep down inside, you don’t really believe that your body can take care of itself. You might believe you cannot change your health because it seems too difficult or it is just what has always been the case. You think you are stuck with illness and there is nothing else you can do. The good news is that there is a way out of these beliefs, starting with awareness. Are there any beliefs you have about your health that could hold you back? Start looking around at different areas of your health where you might be having limiting beliefs.
#Limiting Belief: Money
Many people have limiting beliefs about money, namely that money is evil, or that they are not good at savings and investments.
What’s your biggest money-related fear? Are you worried about not having any savings for an emergency? Afraid of taking on too much debt? Keep yourself from making big purchases or spending money on non-essentials? Why do you hold these beliefs about money? Many people see the world as scary, where bad things happen to good people, and life is unpredictable. The truth is that it’s important to think positively about money, but it’s also helpful to know how to deal with those fears.
It’s best not to push the negative thought out of your head immediately—you may be trying so hard not to think about it that you can’t help but contemplate the fear. Instead, divert your attention elsewhere. Call a friend and plan for later in the day, or read an article online instead of focusing on your thoughts. Find something that makes you happy and then switch back to worrying about your fears once you’ve taken care of yourself.
Remember that you’re doing the right thing—you’re acknowledging your fears and working toward overcoming them.
There are many ways to think about money—some are logical, and others are more emotional. For example, you could have a favourable view of money and feel grateful when you have it, or a negative idea of money and feel anxious when you don’t. You could also have beliefs about how much money is “enough.” This can be a dangerous belief because there’s no way to feel good about your finances if you are always chasing after more money. Money is an infinite amount—no matter how much money you get, you will always want more.
Another limiting belief might be you’re not good with money resulting in a scarcity mindset. When you start trying to get a handle on your finances, you might find that it doesn’t really help. This might make you think you’re not clever enough, mature enough, or organised enough to have enough money. In reality, however, it could be because the real issue is your deeply held belief that you’re not good with money—and as long as that’s in place, no amount of money management will ever truly help. The only way forward is through challenging and accepting this belief: “I am a person who is good with money.” Or perhaps even more challenging: “I am a person who has great instincts when it comes to money.”
#Limiting Belief: Self-Worth
Believing that you are not good enough is perhaps the number one belief that stands in the way of your personal development. We all have them, but limiting beliefs about self-worth (self-love) are often deeply rooted and hard to identify. Because of this, we often move from one thing to the next in an attempt to fix ourselves. Ask yourself:
- What are my most common beliefs about my self-worth?
- Do I believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to?
- Do I believe that there are things in life worth having and things that aren’t?
- How much do you value my opinion?
- When I walk into a room, how do I feel about myself?
Do you think that life would be perfect if you could just change a couple of things about your appearance? If these questions make you cringe or feel defensive, then chances are there are some limiting beliefs holding you back about your self-worth. Maybe you struggle with relationships because, at heart, you don’t really trust that people like being around you. Or perhaps it’s harder for you to take on new challenges because, deep down inside, you think it’s a waste of time because nothing good will come out of it anyway.
#Limiting Belief: Success
It’s simple to feel stuck in your career or at a crossroads about what to do next when thoughts and beliefs around you are working against you. Your limiting beliefs about your success could be holding you back from achieving the things you want, whether it’s landing your dream job, making more money, or getting into the school of your choice.
When you’re ready to make some changes related to your success, take note of any negative thoughts when you picture yourself being successful and change them! You don’t have to believe in something that isn’t true.
A few examples: I don’t have the time, I’ll never make it as a programmer; my co-workers are more talented than me.
If you’ve ever started a new job or activity and been anxious about how well you’ll do, you already know what a limiting belief is. You and everyone on this earth have a set of these beliefs—they’re deeply ingrained in your subconscious minds and affect your behaviour without you even knowing it.
#Limiting Belief: Childhood Memories
Limiting beliefs are usually formed in early childhood, when you’re very impressionable. They can then inhibit you throughout your life by making you feel that you can’t succeed as much as others or in certain areas of life.
Limiting beliefs from childhood can have a significant effect on your adult life. Setbacks and failures from an early age can cause some of you to develop a negative disposition, preventing you from achieving your goals. It can also lead you to make unfortunate decisions about your future or even become stuck in the past, reliving situations and feelings that you would rather forget.
These beliefs are often based on what you learned from the adults in your life—whether good or bad, they’re usually messages passed down to you with no regard for whether they were accurate or helpful. As children, you couldn’t defend yourself from these negative attitudes; a parent might have convinced you that something was off-limits to your gender or that anything but your best wasn’t good enough. These limiting beliefs can keep you from reaching your full potential because you may be too afraid to try something new out of fear of not being good at it.
This type of limiting belief might be difficult to overcome. When you change your limiting beliefs and become more successful in life, the people around you who are close to you will see the changes in how confident and happy you are. Not only will they be happy about your new successes, but they’ll also be glad to see how much more comfortable you are.
By overcoming these mental obstacles, you can achieve amazing things and live a happy, fulfilling life. Sometimes it is necessary to change how you look at things or realise that you have the power of choice regarding how you react to situations, irrespective of your childhood. Maybe you need an outlet for your emotions and must speak to a close and trusted friend or relative. Or perhaps you just need to hear a few encouraging words right now.
#Limiting Belief: Body Image and Appearance
Limiting beliefs about your body and appearance can strongly influence your self-esteem. If you have thoughts that make you feel less than great about yourself, you will find it hard to see yourself in a more positive light. This can lead to negative self-talk and behaviours, reinforcing low self-worth.
The most common limiting belief is that you’ll never be able to lose weight. If this is what you believe, you will likely experience body dysmorphia, which causes you to think that the way you look is otherworldly, leading to disordered eating patterns and behaviours like bingeing or purging. Or you might be convinced that beauty has a certain standard and that your looks do not comply.
The best way out of this kind of thinking is reframing, namely, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Tell yourself that you’ve lost weight in the past and can do so again. If you’re feeling particularly bad or anxious, try exercising regularly—it will release endorphins and help improve your perspective about your body.
How Do You Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs?
Thee top types of limiting beliefs that stand in your way are hard to change and often require awareness to stop them. However, many people don’t realise their limiting beliefs and see their views as part of who they are.
How do you overcome your limiting beliefs? There are many ways to change how you think. For example, an effective way is EFT Tapping. However, as a start, one of the simplest methods is to direct your attention to new thoughts and repeatedly affirm them with affirmations. But this can be hard to achieve. Affirmations that directly speak to your subconscious mind, namely subliminal messages will help reframe how and what you think.
Subliminal messages can override your limiting beliefs by using positive affirmations (autosuggestions) to reframe your thoughts about an issue or situation and change your habits. A subliminal message is one that is sent to the mind in a way that doesn’t make you aware that you are receiving it.
You don’t need to be stuck in life because of limiting beliefs. It is time to change how you think.
I hope that after reading this post, you now have a better understanding of the top types of limiting beliefs that stand in your way of a happier, more fulfilling life. Focus on changing the beliefs that you know are affecting your life and see how you start flourishing.
Your success is often hampered because of your thinking. It is difficult to ascend beyond what you believe. Therefore, it is crucial to break out of your own limitations if you wish to achieve more success in life. You have more control over your success, identity, and mind than you think. Many of us allow our minds and our past conditionings to control us. However, you have the power to change your mind, thoughts, beliefs, identity, life, and ultimately your success. To create more success, you must change how you see yourself. Once you remove limitations and begin to believe in your true limitless potential, you allow yourself to shift into unlimited possibilities. This is where you can begin the process of achieving any level of success you choose.
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is well-known for reducing stress, anxiety, and emotional and physical pain. However, tapping can also help you overcome self-imposed limitations that affect your success. EFT entails tapping specific places on the body, particularly the head and face. While doing so, you concentrate on the problem you want to solve while repeating negative and positive phrases related to the problem. When it comes to more success, tapping's primary purpose is to help you get rid of undesirable negative emotions and ideas that can come up at any time and stop you in your tracks.
The scripts direct you to focus on and clear up the most important issues that stand in the way of your success. In addition, each script is also infused with lofty questions. Lofty questions are formulated to encourage helpful responses, insights, or solutions and thus help to change how you think about a problem. Therefore, it gives you double the strength of traditional tapping!
Using the EFT scripts does not mean that you have to do it alone without the support of EFT professionals. Instead, the scripts are self-guided and empower you to take those first steps to become a better version of yourself in the privacy of your own home. You are also guided towards how to address your core issues and beliefs about your success by devising your own scripts.
The scripts in this book focus on the following issues that can hamper your success:
Building more confidence
Deal better with disappointment
Stop procrastination
Stop self-sabotage
Get more self-love and acceptance
Stop self-criticism
Overcome imposter syndrome
Get better self-esteem and image
Increase productivity
Become more positive
Become more organised
Deal with stress
Have more perseverance
Become a better team player
Become a better public speaker
Bonus script: Overcome limiting beliefs
Bonus script: Adopt healthy habits
Bonus script: Tap on miracle words (Hoōponopono)
Bonus: Tapping and Ranting
Knowing that each person's situation is unique, this book also helps you formulate your own phrases. You need to understand and tap into the underlying core issues that stand in your way of success.
When you purchase the book, you will also receive the following bonuses (the download link is inside the book):
eBook: Overcome obstacles
eBook: Self-confidence affirmations
eBook: Healthy habits
eBook: Total mental resilience
Document: Peak Productivity Blueprint
Printable Create Your Own Script Template
An audio file (wav format) for each script to tap wherever you are
Set Your Intention Affirmations
Don't miss out on the success that you deserve, and start clearing all the negative emotions that affect your success in the workplace and business environment!
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