Mind Over Matter: How To Train Your Subconscious Mind To Lose Weight

Getting to a healthy and sustainable weight is a challenging process, but it doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. How to train your subconscious mind to lose weight is possible. When you train your subconscious mind to lose weight, you can achieve the desired results without even putting much effort into it. In this post, you’ll learn more about your subconscious mind, why it’s a great tool to lose weight, and how to train it.
Table of Contents
What Is The Subconscious Mind?
The part of your mind that you are aware of at any given time is called the conscious mind. It includes all of your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and events that you are aware of and take part in. It is often thought of as your conscious awareness or the flow of thoughts and feelings you have when you are awake.
You can think, reason, make choices, and be aware of your surroundings because of your conscious mind. It gives you the ability to actively process knowledge, solve problems, and understand yourself. It is the part of your mind that you can reach directly and, to some extent, control.
On the other hand, your subconscious mind, in its simplest form, can be explained as that part of the mind that influences your behaviour, emotions, and thoughts. It stores all your memories, beliefs, and values that you have developed over time. The subconscious mind is thus made up of thoughts, emotions, and processes that you are not aware of right now but that can still affect how you act and what you do.
How to train your subconscious mind to lose weight is possible when you bypass your conscious mind and make lasting changes to your behaviour and mindset. With the right training, you can use the power of your subconscious mind to reach your weight goals.
Benefits of Training Your Subconscious Mind to Lose Weight
Losing weight is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight. While there are many ways to achieve this, training your subconscious mind is an effective and long-term approach to weight loss. Training the subconscious mind to lose weight has many benefits that are often overlooked.
The first benefit of training your subconscious mind to lose weight is improved health without the side effects of using diet supplements. By making healthier lifestyle choices, you can improve your overall health and enjoy a range of health benefits. Training your subconscious mind will help you resist unhealthy snacks and cravings and instead focus on healthier eating habits. This can result in improved physical fitness, better sleep patterns, and more energy throughout the day.
The second benefit is increased self-esteem. When you reach your desired weight, you can often feel more confident in your body. Training the subconscious mind to lose weight can help you stay focused on your goals and build a positive relationship with yourself. When you accomplish your goals, your self-esteem can be greatly improved.
The third benefit is that training your subconscious mind can produce long-term results. Unlike quick-fix diets or crash diets that often fail in the long run, training the subconscious mind can bring about lasting changes. When you create healthier habits that last, it can be easier to maintain the weight loss results for a longer period of time.
Lastly, training the subconscious mind to lose weight can help you become more mindful of your food choices. When you are more mindful of your decisions, you can better assess your food cravings and make healthier decisions. This can help you become more aware of why you eat and how it impacts your overall health.
How to Train Your Subconscious Mind To Lose Weight
You can train your subconscious mind to lose weight with several powerful mindset techniques.
Visualisation is a powerful technique used to train your subconscious mind to lose weight. It involves visualising yourself achieving a certain goal—in this case, losing weight. When you visualise your desired outcome, your subconscious mind will focus on it and work towards making it a reality.
The key to successful visualisation is to be as specific as possible. Visualise yourself looking slim and healthy, and include all the details – what clothes you’re wearing, what you’re doing, and how you’re feeling. This will help your subconscious mind focus and manifest your goal.
To start visualising, you must first relax your body and clear your mind. You can do this by focusing on your breathing—taking long, deep breaths—or by listening to calming music. Once you’re relaxed, begin to visualise yourself in your desired state— looking slim and healthy.
Include vivid descriptions in your visualisation – see yourself in a situation where you are looking slim and healthy. If you’re going on a beach trip, for example, visualise yourself looking toned and happy in your swimsuit, enjoying time with your friends. In any visualisation, make sure to tap into the emotions that come with the image. Feel the joy of finally achieving the weight loss of your dreams.
You can also combine visualisation with other techniques. For example, you can visualise yourself achieving a certain fitness goal while reciting positive affirmations. You can also visualise yourself eating healthy foods in a certain way, like slowly savouring each bite, to encourage subconscious eating habits.
Visualisation can be done anytime and anywhere – in the morning before you start your day, at work during your break, or on your drive home. It’s a powerful tool to help you achieve your weight loss goals, and it’s worth the time and effort.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are an effective tool to access your subconscious mind and reprogram it in order to achieve your desired results. Positive affirmations are statements that are repeated to yourself, usually out loud, to reinforce a positive belief about yourself. This practice helps you remind yourself of your true potential, which can be especially helpful when it comes to your weight loss goals. By repeating positive affirmations, you will start to believe in yourself and your ability to reach your goals.
When using positive affirmations for weight loss, it is important to be specific and to focus on the goal you want to achieve. For example, instead of saying “I will lose weight”, say “I will reduce 10 kg/pounds of body fat in two months”. This specific goal will help keep you focused and motivated. Another tip is to make your affirmations in the present tense, as if you have already achieved the goal. Using the present tense for your affirmations will prime your subconscious mind to believe that it is possible to achieve your goal.
It is also important to use positive language in your affirmations. For example, instead of saying “I will not be fat”, say “I will be fit and healthy”. This will help keep you focused on the positive aspects of your goal and encourage you to take action to achieve it.
Another important thing to remember is that your affirmations should be realistic and achievable. Set yourself up for success by setting achievable goals that you can slowly work towards. This will help to keep your motivation and enthusiasm up, and it will also help to keep your subconscious mind focused on the end result.
Don’t forget to repeat your affirmations often. This will help to keep them fresh in your mind, and will also help to reinforce the positive beliefs about yourself within your subconscious. It is important to take the time every day to repeat your affirmations, as this will help keep you focused on your weight loss goals.
Subliminal Affirmations
Subliminal messages are stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious perception, implying that the recipient does not consciously perceive them. These messages are often sent via visual or auditory signals and are intended to impact your ideas, feelings, or behaviour without being aware of them.
The concept behind using subliminal messages for weight loss is that by exposing you to positive affirmations or ideas about healthy eating habits, exercise, and weight loss objectives, your subconscious mind can be motivated to adopt these behaviours. Using subliminal messages might overcome conscious resistance and establish a good mindset or drive to support weight loss attempts.
Subliminal messages can be used in a variety of ways to assist with weight loss. Here are a couple such examples:
Subliminal messages can be incorporated into peaceful music or nature sounds that play softly in the background. Messages could include something like, “You enjoy eating healthy foods” or “You are motivated to exercise regularly.”
Images or movies with subliminal messages can be made using techniques such as flashing messages for very short periods of time or combining them with other content. These visual signals could include lines like “You are getting slimmer by the day” or “You feel satisfied with smaller portions.”
Textual cues: Subtle messages, such as positive affirmations on posters or computer screensavers, can be included in textual content. These messages can help support positive body image, self-esteem, and motivation to achieve your weight loss goals. I use Mind of a Winner’s free software on my laptop to show me subliminal messages to achieve any goal. I am exposed to these messages whenever I work on my laptop, but I am not even seeing them on my screen because they flash below my visual awareness. However, they work on my subconscious mind to change my behaviour.
There are many creators on YouTube who have channels with subliminal messages on any self-help topic you can imagine. However, be careful whose channels you listen to, as there are many complaints that some creators’ programmes use negative messages that can affect your behaviour negatively. Always do some research beforehand.
Lofty Questions
Asking lofty questions is a fun and interactive way to train your subconscious mind to help you achieve the goal of losing weight. It is a simple yet powerful way to access the wisdom of your deeper mind and access empowering answers.
As you ask the question, allow yourself to become fully immersed in the question and the possibilities of the answers that might come.
The idea is to access the creative intelligence of your mind and allow that intelligence to influence your subconscious mind to change your behaviour in a way that is best for you. When you ask lofty questions, you tap into the wisdom of your subconscious mind and change your eating habits in alignment with your goals.
Examples of lofty questions you can use when trying to lose weight include:
- Why am I always committed to my health and well-being and taking positive steps towards achieving my weight loss goals?
- Why do I love and respect my body, and why am I always grateful for its ability to change and transform?
- Why do I always choose to nourish my body with healthy, wholesome foods that support my weight loss journey?
- Why am I always in control of my eating habits, and choose to make mindful choices that align with my health goals?
- Why is my body becoming stronger and leaner every day, and I am proud of the progress I am making?
- Why do I always release any negative self-talk about my body and embrace a positive and empowering mindset towards weight loss?
- Why am I always worthy of good health and self-care, and why do I deserve to achieve my ideal weight?
- Why do I always find joy in physical activity and exercise, and look forward to moving my body every day?
- Why do I always trust in my body’s natural ability to find a healthy weight and support it by making healthy choices?
- Why am I always getting closer to my weight loss goals each day?
- Why do I always celebrate every small victory along the way?
When asking these questions, try to remain open to how your behaviour will change. It may be something you didn’t expect.
So take some time to connect to your subconscious mind and ask yourself the questions that you need to help you reach your desired weight.
Hypnosis is another powerful tool to access your subconscious mind, which can be used to help train it to lose weight. It is a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility, where the conscious mind is temporarily suppressed and the subconscious is more open to suggestion. In a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotist will use special techniques to induce a relaxed state in the client, and then guide them to visualise positive imagery that encourages the subconscious to accept new, healthier habits.
In a hypnotherapy session, the goal is to help the client identify and overcome any subconscious blocks that might be preventing them from achieving their desired health goals. The hypnotist can help the client access memories, feelings, and beliefs that are influencing their behaviors and eating habits. Through this process, the hypnotist can help you identify any unhealthy patterns and replace them with healthier ones.
During the hypnosis session, the hypnotist may use a variety of techniques, such as visualisations, affirmations, and positive reframing, to help you achieve your desired outcome. Visualisations can be used to help the client imagine themselves in a healthier state, while affirmations can help reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs. Positive reframing can help you shift your perspective and break through negative thought patterns.
You can also use self-hypnosis audios to become aware of any underlying issues that could be preventing you from achieving your desired outcome. These audios can also be an effective way to encourage positive thought patterns and behaviors that will help you make healthier decisions and stick with a weight loss program. Always do your research before you listen to any self-hypnosis audio.
Meditation is also a powerful tool for training the subconscious mind to lose weight. It is a practice of deep relaxation and focused awareness that allows us to observe our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without attaching judgment or expectation. Through meditation, you can identify and shift unhelpful patterns in your thinking that may be contributing to your unhealthy behaviours around food.
When you meditate, you create a peaceful space in your mind for self-reflection and awareness. This space helps to quiet the mind and release tension, allowing you to calmly focus on your thoughts and feelings. In this state, you can address the root cause of your eating habits. You become aware of the emotions and thoughts that lead you to overeat or indulge in unhealthy comfort foods. When you understand these underlying motivations, you can better control your behaviour and make healthier choices.
Meditation also helps increase your focus and self-discipline. In a state of relaxed awareness, you are better able to resist your unhealthy cravings and impulses. You can more readily stay committed to your goals and take meaningful steps towards achieving them.
Practicing meditation is easy and can be done anywhere. Start by taking a few moments each day to sit in stillness and focus on your breath. Let your thoughts and feelings come and go without judgment, and observe them with a sense of detachment. If you’d like to try guided meditation, there are many great apps and online resources available that offer different audio and video programs.
With a regular meditation practice, you can deepen your understanding of yourself and your beliefs around food, develop discipline and focus, and reduce stress and cravings. Take a few moments each day to sit in stillness and focus on your breath. Use this time to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment and let yourself be guided towards healthier eating habits.
The Plate Trick
The Plate Trick is an effective technique for training your subconscious mind to help you with weight loss. This technique involves using physical cues to remind your subconscious of your goals.
Firstly, divide a dinner plate into three sections. The first section should be the smallest and should be used for proteins, the middle section should be used for carbohydrates, and the last section should be for vegetables. Before eating anything, visualise your desired weight, your motivation to lose weight, and the overall goal of eating a healthy diet.
When it comes to eating, do not pile your plate with food. Instead, fill the plate with the designated sections. For example, three ounces of lean protein should fill the protein section of the plate, a serving of complex carbohydrates should fill the carbohydrate section, and vegetables should fill the vegetable section. When you look at the plate, it should be mostly vegetables.
Once the plate is filled according to the sections, begin to eat slowly and with mindfulness. As you eat, visualise yourself reaching your desired weight and remind yourself why you are eating this way. This technique can be used for every meal and will help reprogram your subconscious mind to think of healthy food in a positive way.
Furthermore, the Plate Trick can be used to encourage mindful eating. When you feel the urge to eat out of boredom or emotion, take the time to fill the plate with the designated sections. This will help to remind your subconscious mind that the goal is to eat healthy, not just eat.
Lastly, the Plate Trick can help you take control of your eating habits and develop healthy eating habits. When you fill the plate according to the sections, you are taking control of your diet, which will lead to better long-term results.
Using the Plate Trick will help to reprogram your subconscious mind to think of healthy eating in a positive way and will help you reach your ideal weight in a healthy manner. By following the sections of the plate, you can create a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables and enjoy the benefits of a healthy diet.

Anchoring is a powerful technique that is used to condition the subconscious mind to associate an emotional state with a certain stimulus. This is done by associating a feeling with a specific action or environment. For example, if you wanted to create a feeling of motivation to exercise, you would pair the action of getting up in the morning with a positive mantra, such as “I am full of energy and ready to go!”.
The idea behind anchoring is to link a positive emotion or feeling to an action or environment. This allows the subconscious mind to respond more positively and efficiently to certain situations. Anchoring is a great way to keep yourself motivated and focused on your goals.
To effectively use anchoring, you must first identify a trigger. This can be a physical gesture, a word or phrase, or a location. Once you have identified the trigger, you must decide which emotion you want to be associated with it. You should aim to make the emotion as specific as possible.
For example, if you want to be motivated to exercise, you may decide to use an image of yourself that reflects how you want to look or feel. You can then use this image as your trigger whenever you need to be motivated to exercise.
Once you have identified your trigger and emotion, you must then begin the anchoring process. This usually involves repeating the triggering action or phrase while visualising the desired emotion. For example, when you hear the phrase “I am full of energy and ready to go”, you can visualise yourself exercising with enthusiasm and vigour. This creates a link between the phrase and the desired emotion, and eventually the phrase alone will activate the desired emotion.
Anchoring is a great way to train your subconscious mind to associate certain emotions with certain actions. By creating an emotional link between the two, you can effectively create a powerful and positive response to certain situations. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, helping you achieve your desired results.
Challenges to Training the Subconscious Mind
Limiting beliefs are one of the biggest challenges to training your subconscious mind to lose weight. Many people have been programmed to believe that they cannot lose weight or that they don’t have the willpower to do so.
Another challenge is a lack of commitment. It can be easy to start a new routine with enthusiasm, only to lose interest after a few weeks. It is important to stay motivated and consistent with your efforts in order to see results.
Also, stress can be a major barrier to training your subconscious mind to lose weight. Stress can lead to emotional eating and a lack of motivation, both of which can prevent you from achieving your goals. It is important to find ways to manage stress and focus on the positive aspects of your journey.
These challenges can be difficult to overcome, but it is important to address them in order to achieve lasting success. When you are aware of the obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them, you can effectively train your subconscious mind to lose weight.
Final Words
How to train your subconscious to lose weight takes time and dedication. Remember that you are in control of your own success. With the right mindset and dedication, you can train your subconscious mind to lose weight effectively and enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.
Are you tired of constantly battling overeating and feeling like you're out of control? Overeating has become an eating disorder and a psychological addiction that can be just as difficult to overcome as drugs or alcohol. But the good news is that it is possible to recondition your brain to stop overeating and take better care of your body and health.
In "Overeating Self-Help," you'll discover practical techniques to manage your overeating impulses and cravings when you need it most - in the privacy of your own home. Unlike other diets and weight loss programs that rely solely on conscious thinking, this book speaks directly to your subconscious mind to reprogram it with a new reality: the choice to take better care of your body.
Through nine effective techniques, this book will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and help you understand the root causes of your overeating. You'll gain insight into the different types of overeating and the potential reasons why you may be struggling with this addiction. Plus, you'll learn why appetite suppressants can be dangerous to your health, and how to retrain your mind to make healthier choices.
With six chapters that cover everything from understanding overeating to providing practical tips for managing cravings, this book is a valuable addition to any collection on eating disorders. Plus, you'll even get a bonus chapter that explains three little-known moves to tighten your stomach muscles while standing.
Say goodbye to overeating and hello to a healthier, happier you.
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