Override Your Subconscious Mind To Stop Overeating

Did you know that you can override your subconscious mind to stop overeating? If you only occasionally overeat, the problem may be purely mechanical: you’re just not getting enough food during the day. But I think that’s relatively rare; most people who overeat get plenty of food during the day.
This post explains why it is so difficult to stop overeating because of situations such as stress, anger, depression, or boredom and how to prevent it by overriding your subconscious mind.
Table of Contents
Overeating Is A Complex Problem
Overeating is a complex issue that cannot be easily solved. Have you ever noticed the snack aisle at your local supermarket? It’s a colourful, semi-magical wonderland full of irresistible treats. Like most people, you probably find yourself gazing at all those snacks and longing for them, even after you’ve already had dinner.
It’s not just overeating at night or at one meal. You occasionally get hungry later than usual and have a late dinner, and maybe even a snack before bed. And then the next day, when you get hungry earlier than expected, you eat breakfast earlier too, and your entire schedule is off.
Maybe you feel vaguely guilty about it during these eating episodes, feeling like some compulsion is taking control of your life. When the overeating episodes continue, you become powerless as you see your body getting fatter.
If this sounds familiar, you may eventually find yourself in a situation where your relationship with food has become toxic. For example, your favourite meals will make you depressed. It comes down to the fact that you are trying to maximise your pleasure and minimise your pain.
The pain comes from the guilt associated with doing something you perceive as wrong or bad for you. It’s a result of the conflict between your short term desire to eat something delicious and your long-term desire to feel good about yourself.
Why Do Some People Overeat?
What is the cause of overeating? For many people, it’s just a bad habit. These people are like smokers who eat when they’re not hungry because they’re used to doing it. For them, the solution is to make it inconvenient to eat. They can’t keep food in their house. If they want to eat, they have to go out and buy something. If you’re someone who eats at home when you’re not hungry, this is probably who you are.
For others, overeating at night is a response to stress, anxiety, or depression and is often more complex. While a smoker will have a cigarette when they get stressed out, an overeater will have some ice cream. This is why some overweight people have good eating habits but still gain weight.
This is because they eat whenever something terrible happens in their lives. A new study from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain found that overweight people are more likely to suffer from depression than those who are not overweight. The researchers looked at over 9,000 people between the ages of 55 and 80. Their BMI (Body Mass Index) was measured, and their level of physical activity and depression symptoms were recorded.
Most diets fail because they make you hungrier, not less. They also ask you to do something hard for more than a few days, namely, eat less. This is what most diets ask you to do. It works, but it’s hard to keep doing it for very long without failing. While eating less is the best way to lose weight, eating less because of a diet is not the only way to lose weight. Most dieters don’t realise there are other ways to eat less without feeling deprived and taking unhealthy appetite suppressants. But how can you stop overeating at night? You need to override your subconscious mind.
Let me explain further.
Why You Must Override Your Subconscious Mind To Stop Overeating
There are two minds. One is the conscious mind, and the other is the subconscious mind. Both minds run on two different operating systems. The conscious mind runs on a logical and rational operating system while the subconscious mind runs on an illogical and emotional system.
The conscious mind is the part of the brain that makes you human. It allows you to learn, reason, make decisions and solve problems—all the things that make you unique. The subconscious mind enables you to walk, talk, breathe, sleep, eat, and perform thousands of other functions every day without having to consciously think about it.
The conscious mind can also be called “the little you.” It’s your small ego self. Your “little self” think it’s in control of your life, but in reality, it’s only 10% of who you are and only has 5% control over your life.
The subconscious mind can also be called “the big you.” It’s your higher self or higher power. Your “big you” knows everything about you and has 95% control over your life since it houses your beliefs and habits and which create your reality.
Why can’t you just eat something healthy instead? Because your subconscious mind will make you want to eat unhealthy food. And your conscious mind is powerless against the subconscious mind. You must override the part of the brain that makes you want to eat unhealthy foods. The only way to do this is by overriding one subconscious impulse with another, stronger subconscious impulse.
Remember it is easy to recognise a friend or foe when you are in danger. But what about when you’re in the kitchen, debating between a delicious cookie and an apple? What takes over? The subconscious mind will let you eat the cookie.
Once you have learned to override your subconscious mind, you will be on your path to better health and food choices and have a different mindset about overeating. Several techniques are available to override the subconscious mind, which I explain in my book Overeating-Self Help. What’s more, it doesn’t feel like a diet – just a change in thinking with some daily practice that can make you feel great and look better than ever before. You can do it!
Are you tired of constantly battling overeating and feeling like you're out of control? Overeating has become an eating disorder and a psychological addiction that can be just as difficult to overcome as drugs or alcohol. But the good news is that it is possible to recondition your brain to stop overeating and take better care of your body and health.
In "Overeating Self-Help," you'll discover practical techniques to manage your overeating impulses and cravings when you need it most - in the privacy of your own home. Unlike other diets and weight loss programs that rely solely on conscious thinking, this book speaks directly to your subconscious mind to reprogram it with a new reality: the choice to take better care of your body.
Through nine effective techniques, this book will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and help you understand the root causes of your overeating. You'll gain insight into the different types of overeating and the potential reasons why you may be struggling with this addiction. Plus, you'll learn why appetite suppressants can be dangerous to your health, and how to retrain your mind to make healthier choices.
With six chapters that cover everything from understanding overeating to providing practical tips for managing cravings, this book is a valuable addition to any collection on eating disorders. Plus, you'll even get a bonus chapter that explains three little-known moves to tighten your stomach muscles while standing.
Say goodbye to overeating and hello to a healthier, happier you.
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