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Free EFT Tapping Script For Anxiety Free tapping script for anxiety

Free EFT Tapping Script For Anxiety

There is no denying that anxiety can be a challenging condition to live with your entire life. It can also be one of the most debilitating conditions to face in our modern world, which is why I feel so strongly about telling you about EFT tapping. This free tapping script for anxiety will help you calm down when you need it most.

The Top Types Of Limiting Beliefs That Stand In Your Way The Top Types Of Limiting Beliefs That Stand In Your Way

The Top Types Of Limiting Beliefs That Stand In Your Way

In this post, I discuss the top types of limiting beliefs that stand in your way. A limiting belief is a self-limiting or self-defeating idea that you may have subconsciously accepted as true. Limiting beliefs can stop you from living the life you want and achieving your goals, and they’re not just something that “you” need to work on—they affect everyone around you.

How To Clear Negativity From Your Life How To Heal From Negativity Emily Watson Books

How To Clear Negativity From Your Life

Why do so many people have a negative outlook on life? There are two main reasons for this. One reason is that people tend to live in the past and think of what they lost or didn’t get. The second reason is that it’s hard to let go of negativity because they refuse to see the good things in life and only focus on the bad. Does this sound familiar?

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